Friday, October 3, 2008

Monday, October, 13

Claudia Pederson and Nicholas Knouf

Monday, October 13, 8.00pm + after party
128 Forest St. formerly named "Orchard St. Kindergarden Studio"

Claudia Pederson: On computer games and Wafaa Bilal (Wafaa Bilal's recent exhibition at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY, Virtual Jihadi, was closed by the University's administration a day after its initial opening.)

Claudia Costa Pederson, PhD candidate at the history of art and visual studies department at Cornell University. Her interests center on exploring the intersections between play, creativity, critical theory, and social activism. She is currently working on her thesis that investigates digital games as devices for critical inquiry into the relationships between theoretical and scientific thought, art and technology, and institutional powers and social energies. She is also teaching a writing seminar this fall on contemporary art and technology.

Nicholas A. Knouf:
on Fluid Nexus (Fluid Nexus is an application for mobile phones that is primarily designed to enable activists to send messages and data amongst themselves independent of a centralized cellular network.)

Nicholas A. Knouf is a PhD student in the Information Science Program, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. His work explores the interstitial spaces between information science, critical theory, digital art, and science and technology studies. His current projects include a mobile phone messaging application that works independent of a centralized network, and a robotic marionette that provokes non-speech sounds as a means of encouraging the expression of the unspeakable.

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